Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 43 - 205 this is better than I expected after two weeks off plan.

I am very excited about the new schedule I made for myself. Here it is:

8 -12.5 oz servings of water per day
5 shakes
10 minutes of bouncer in the AM
60 minutes of treadmill after work
1 lean/green meal
Deep clean 1 room of my house per day

I can tell you already I am at 4 servings of water for the day so far and I am shocked at how much I am running to the restroom!

Water has always been my nemisis and I am consistently dehydrated. Well, after reading a ton about it...I am betting big that this is going to really speed my weight loss. AND improve the look of my skin. I have been looking so OLD lately and I know it is because I never drink any water at all!

Happy dieting...more tomorrow.

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