Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1 - 215.2

This is the first day of my weight loss. Please be advised that due to TOM my weight may drop quickly towards the end of this week by about 3 pounds. :)

I had my first shake at 6:45 am and I found the consistency to be thicker than I cared for. For my next shake I will add colder water and maybe add a couple of ounces. I was out of ice at home but I will buy some tonight as I think that will add texture.

I chose 3 flavors from Diet Direct. Mocha, Chocolate Cream and Vanilla. I will rate the flavors after today as I am trying all three.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Shipment due today and a mistake I made....

I checked my email and my shipment is due to arrive today. I will still be starting on Monday the 31st of January. I have no followers to this blog as of yet. I think it is actually better that no one is reading this because I am sure it will allow me to be more candid.

I would like to note that since I have chosen my start date I have been eating what I want. I am not over doing it, but I am eating the things I know I would crave so that I get it out of my system. I had an odd choice today......I had McDonald's for breakfast. I now have the worst headache and stomach ache. I also feel very tired and crabby now. I wish I had skipped that little is a lesson for the future!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How I am doing it.

I will be using (as soon as they arrive) protein meal-replacement shakes. I ordered from I chose to use Wonder Slim based on a recommendation from a successful fellow dieter that I have been following on You Tube and on her blog. Her You Tube channel is ImpatientDieter. I would suggest that you go to her channel and watch her videos. She is an excellent documenter and started from day 1 with video and still body shots. She also has a webpage at
There is a WEALTH of imformation there.

Check it out. I believe I will have my products and be able to begin on Monday January 31, 2011.

Stay tuned!

Introduction and preparation

I am starting this blog after being inspired by another blogger. I will be documenting my weight loss daily to share with other dieters.

I will be doing a meal-replacement diet that is primarily liquid. I know you will enjoy sharing the experience with me!