Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 73 -189.8

I made it to the 180s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thrilled. I did my 30 minutes of walking yesterday and also will begin arm work. A friend on a forum I use (LowCarbFriends) has the BEST arms and I asked her for some pointers for a beginner. I am adding in modified pushups for starters...(my wrists are sooo weak...shame on me!)

I continued with very low calorie yesterday. 1/2 avocado, 1 deviled egg half, I chicken thigh with the skin grilled and 1 shake.

Feeling very good and not really hungry at all.

I just reviewed past blog posts and found that I spent 15 days in the "190s". I was very frustrated but I suppose that losing 10 pounds in 15 days is actually quite amazing. I will have to work on how impatient I am..tee hee. :)

Have a super dooper day!


  1. Your doing great! I keep telling myself that I am patient but deep down I know I'm not. I've had to lower my calories too, to get the results that don't send me into fits every time I weigh myself. I found you through Lowcarbfriends and have enjoyed reading your progress.

  2. Thanks so much Jessica! Guess what? You are my first commenter on this blog. WOO HOOO! I am glad there is another person out there that sees the need to change calories at times. I find on LCF that so many there do not want to hear that you have to eat less sometimes to lose... :)

  3. Keep it up! Great job!

    -Dave in Orlando

  4. Thanks Dave....have fun on the 5k tomorrow!
